As His disciples were a blessing to Jesus during his life on earth, so every supporter like you, is a blessing to me.

You’ve given unstintingly during the past three tough years of happenings on the Zulu Missions, helping the Church to be a ‘field hospital’ as described by Pope Francis.

Life on the Missions has always been hard due to poverty.  Then came the pandemic with its fear, crippled economy, illness and deaths.  The loss of property, jobs and livelihoods as a result of unrest followed.  If that wasn’t enough, we then had major floods which washed away homes, possessions, resources, people and animals.  We’ve taken a battering.

But you’ve helped us rise up again.  Church buildings provided shelter for those who lost their homes.  Your gifts went into food parcels and coupons to keep people alive.  And knowing that you were there for us gave us strength.

Trauma has two lives.  The first is in the experiencing of a devastating event.  The second is living with its effects and the memories.  And we all carry the burden of a traumatised society.

I wish I could say that the Church in Africa, especially the Mission Church is equipped to deal with the second life of trauma which lingers on.  But that will need some intense training of both clergy and laity to supply the needed support.

We still have a long way to go to create Pope Francis’ image of the Church as a ‘field hospital’ for comprehensive healing.  But your partnership and your prayers will get us there.

What is a Missionary

A Missionary is a person who instils life and builds bridges.
A Missionary is a prophet in a world which cares less and less about the poorest of the poor.
A Missionary cries out against discrimination and injustice.
A Missionary is the voice of the weak, the sick, the poor, and the oppressed.
A Missionary is a teacher, a friend and a prayer conduit to heaven.
A Missionary is someone who takes responsibility for the development of the Kingdom of God.

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