
Archbishop Jwara’s formative homeground – Mariannhill Diocese

Siegfried Mandla Jwara was born into the Mariannhill Diocese and this is where he spent his formative years of faith. Perhaps you’d like to know a little more about Mariannhill.

The story of Mariannhill goes back to Austrian-born Abbot Franz Pfanner. With fellow Trappist monks, Abbot Pfanne established a Missionary monastery in this then undeveloped area. The name of the monastery is the compound name for Mary and Anne, and its members are guided by the Rule of St Benedict.

Beyond evangelisation, Fr Pfanner promoted local development, opening schools, health clinics, craft workshops, a printing press, and farms providing work. From there, Fr Pfanner’s successors took their Missionary work to other parts of Africa.

The monks later split from the Trappist Order, and around the time of abbot Pfanner’s death is 1909, the Vatican approved the Congregation of Missionaries of Mariannhill (CMM).

Today, the stone buildings of Mariannhill Monastery still stand proud in service of their immediate community and beyond into other areas which are part of their Diocese. Rich in the assistance of Religious Sisters, and vibrant lay sodalities, Fr Pfanner would be well pleased with how his work has grown. And Archbishop Jwara can take pride in being a son of Mariannhill.

1 comment

Thank you for this very interesting information about Marianhill Diocese I had no idea there was a connection with the Trappist Monks and a Missionary monastery being established there, etc.

Thank you again God Bless

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