
You may have forgotten, but we haven’t

As time goes on, you may have forgotten how many needs you’ve answered with your generosity. Here’s a reminder of some of them, and the huge differences that you’ve made:

Fighting Hunger.

Hunger regularly stalks poverty stricken Mission communities. You answered that by supporting food gardens, feeding schemes, and in the worst of times you’ve provided food parcels for families in critical situations.

Napier Centre 4 Healing.

Cardinal Napier’s legacy to the Archdiocese of Durban is rehabilitating drug and alcohol addicts and giving them the opportunity to learn skills in order to live productive lives. This is thanks to you.

The Right to Life.

Your support of our Mater Homes has given pregnant women refuge and support in their decision to keep their babies rather than choose an abortion. Those babies are ‘your children’ in God’s love.

Drop-in Centres.

For child headed households you help to keep older children in school whilst their young siblings are cared for in our Drop-in Centres. Also providing early learning for these little ones in preparation for formal schooling.


Education is the path out of poverty. But most Mission families can’t afford school fees, uniforms and other schooling requirements for their children. You’ve stepped in here to help, even funding extra badly needed classrooms at St Leo’s School. Thank you for your vision and for your gifts.

Zulu Translation and Children’s Bibles.

Central to spiritual learning, your kindness translated the New Testament into the Zulu language for adults, as well as a special pictorial edition for children. We’re so grateful.

Blankets for Winter.

Life in a rural mud hut can be a bitter environment in winter, especially in the more mountainous areas of the Archdiocese. Every year, your gifts of blankets ease the hardship – especially for the elderly and the children who are most vulnerable.

Burn Victims.

In primitive households with no electricity, open fires, candles, and oil lamps are a constant hazard, with children often the victims of accidents. Your past support of St Mary’s Hospital which specializes in burn treatment was such a blessing.

Community Nurses.

Where there are no readily available medical facilities, Mission trained community nurses do home visits, bringing your caring physical and spiritual support to sick people. Thank you for the love and comfort that you make possible.

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