You gave joy to the children and teachers of Kwa Thintwa School for the Deaf
Wishes are fragile things. There’s never a guarantee that they will be realised . . . unless they are put into the hands of friends like you.
Your Christmas offerings to fulfil the Kwa Thintwa School’s ‘wish list’ have been as precious as the gold, frankincense and myrrh given to the Christ Child at His birth by the Kings of the East. Thank you.
Education is vital to the future of every child. How much more so to children with a disability, so that they will have a chance in the world.
From the simple hula hoops that you provided for ‘language differentiation’, to those pieces of equipment that bring technology into the classroom to improve teaching methods, to new books in the library, you gave from your heart. And my thanks for your generosity towards the children at Kwa Thintwa, also comes from the heart.
It’s going to be an exciting and advancing year ahead in every classroom of the school. Thank you for your love and kindness which will be ever present in that excitement and advancement.
With your ongoing support we’ll be able to help many more children who can’t hear to reach their full potential.