When your nearest and dearest have been provided for …
There’s more than one reason to ensure that everyone has a valid Will and that it’s kept up to date.
Assets, both financial and material, come from the work of a lifetime, so ensuring what happens to them, when the Will-maker no longer needs them, should be according to his or her wishes.
Dying intestate (without a Will) causes great hardship to families left behind, often giving them no means of support, and no guarantees. Plus, the processes of the legalities of the distribution of assets by the Court can be lengthy and costly.
The first priority in anyone’s Will is the security and wellbeing of one’s nearest and dearest. But after that’s been done, there’s sometimes space for a little more – perhaps by including a charitable bequest.
Should you ever consider making a charitable bequest, and choose The Archdiocese of Durban as the beneficiary, please share your decision with us, because a special future gift of this nature deserves appropriate recognition and thanks. And all communications of this nature are held in the strictest confidence.
A bequest isn’t only the fulfilment of your desire to continue doing good in the world, it’s also a living memorial to who you are, and to what’s important to you. It also costs you nothing now.
Please click here to view our guide to the making of a Will.