The Denis Hurley Centre is about kindness and love
After years of planning and fundraising, the Denis Hurley Centre is finally a reality and was officially opened on what would have been the late Archbishop’s 100th birthday.
The building was blessed by interfaith prayers, the handover of keys, and the unveiling of an imposing statue of Archbishop Hurley which is the centrepiece of the building’s atrium.
Described as a centre which is about kindness and love, as well as a beacon of hope for the destitute, services will include primary health care, extensive outreach and training for those who are homeless, unemployed and refugees, ablution facilities and clean clothing to restore dignity to people living on the street, as well as a feeding scheme.
The building also contains a conference and meeting centre, as well as accommodation for visiting volunteers.
Traders, taxi drivers and property owners in the area who were inconvenienced during the building period received special thanks for their patience and co-operation.
The new centre now forms the heart of the inner city mission of this Archdiocese.