Thank you for supporting an act of faith – you’re honoured at St Leo’s School
When the need for extra classrooms at St Leo’s school was identified, it was already urgent. The new school year begins here in January – how would the children be accommodated?
With the children in mind, Cardinal Napier decided to make a twofold act of faith. Firstly to ask for your help to fund the classrooms with a Christmas offering. And secondly to go ahead early with construction so that the classrooms would be ready in time for the January intake.
As always, you understood and identified with the need, and you generously supported the Cardinal’s act of faith by helping to pay for the new classrooms and toilets.
We so wish that you could have been present at the blessing of the classrooms to share in the joy and gratitude of both the children and teachers, which was expressed in drumming, prayer, singing, dancing, and a short play.
Zulu Mission supporters like you have a long history with St Leo’s school. The new facilities are one more affirmation of your belief in education and your missionary spirit. Thank you, so much.