
Our new Archbishop’s personal greeting to you

“My dear brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. I have accepted the role of chief shepherd for the Archdiocese of Durban with great humility.”

8 August 2021 saw the installation of Archbishop Siegfried Mandla Jwara CMM as the new Archbishop of Durban, coming from the Ingwavuma Vicariate within the province of KwaZulu-Natal where he was stationed.

This appointment followed the official retirement of Cardinal Wilfrid Napier OFM, and the untimely death from Covid-19 of his first replacement, Coadjutor Archbishop Abel Gabuza.

Archbishop Jwara remembers the day that the Nuncio phoned him with the news of his new role. Shocked, he asked the Nuncio to give him a day for prayer and meditation and here shares the turning point in his decision making:

“Two months before my appointment was announced, We’d bought a beautiful piece of land in Mtubatuba, where we wanted to build a new cathedral. This project excited everyone in the Vicariate.

“As I was reflecting on my situation, I suddenly thought of Jesus’ parable about a man who had invited people to a banquet. The first one gave his excuse and apologies because he’d just bought a piece of land.

“Immediately, I felt that Jesus was talking to me directly, and that I had no valid excuse to say NO to the Pope’s request that I should go to Durban.

“The next morning I phoned the Nuncio and told him that if it was the will of God, yes, let it be.” (Archbishop Jwara)

Archbishop Jwara (pronounced Jwagah) was born on 1 February 1957 in our adjoining Diocese of Mariannhill, with one of his given names being that of the family’s parish priest – Siegfried. After he completed his schooling, he entered the Congregation of the Missionaries of Mariannhill, and did his novitiate at the Mariannhill Monastery.

Although Covid restricted the numbers attending the Archbishop’s installation, it was a no less powerful and moving event, especially for Archbishop Jwara.

In his outgoing address at the installation Cardinal Napier gave this reminder:

“God’s work is no longer the responsibility of only Missionary priests, but the entire Church, with each one of us making our individual contribution.”

If there is a prime and personal example of this, it is your membership of the Zulu Mission Family, here in Africa. God bless you for your individual contributions.

Archbishop Jwara shares with you, the explanation of his Coat of Arms

Green Hat (Galero) with 10 tassels on either side – the traditional insignia of a Bishop.

Portrait of St. Eugene de Mazenod from France whose dream was to be ‘the servant and priest of the poor’. St Eugene de Mazenod features in Archbishop Jwara’s episcopal lineage.

Portrait of Abbot Francis Pfanner who came from Europe to evangelise the local people of KwaZulu-Natal, establishing a base at Marianhill.

In both portraits there’s a dove which represents the inspiration and role of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

The Good Shepherd: “As the Metropolitan Archbishop of Durban I will strive to care for the flock that the Lord has entrusted to me through the intercessions of St. Eugene de Mazenod, and Abbot Francis Pfanner.”

Motto: “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32) In isiZulu: “Iqiniso liyonikhulula.” (The promise of truth and transparency as our moral compass.)

“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are all in the vineyard of the Lord. Let us build up His kingdom with love and respect for each other.”

1 comment

Dear Archbishop,
Many congratulaions on your new appointment.
No doubt it will bring with it many problems, but also many blessings
Phi Horton

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