A personal message to my mission friends
Some friends, who had already been giving to the late Archbishop Hurley’s mission work, graciously ‘took me on’ when I replaced him. Others started with a first donation when I was in office. This act of faith and trust that the money would be well used is humbling and greatly appreciated.
You generously continued to send more gifts to carry on your missionary work in my Archdiocese. Gradually, we became closer through correspondence, newsletters, emails and even the occasional long distance telephone call – and in that sharing, we got to know each other.
During difficult times when cheques weren’t banked in time because of our internal postal strike and the ensuing backlog, you have continued to show understanding and patience. Thank you!
In the many journeys I’ve made to other countries, including highlights like being in Rome for the election of two Popes, you have accompanied me in spirit. Sadly, our planned pilgrimage to the Holy Land this year has been put on hold owing to the Coronavirus pandemic. So my intention to pray for you as I walked in the footsteps of Jesus is also on hold.
Until international travel restrictions change, I’ll be praying for you from home … that you and your loved ones remain safe and in good health. Please let me know if you have special intentions you’d like included.
I also ask you to please pray for us, so that God will protect the many vulnerable communities on the missions, and throughout Africa.