Justice and Peace Commission responds to recent gender violence
During August – national Women’s month – the Justice and Peace Commission in the Archdiocese of Durban facilitated a Women and Girls Dialogue at St Vincent Parish, KwaMpumuza. 55 women and girls attended and, through the efforts of the Justice and Peace Group from St Anne’s Parish in Sydenham, food parcels were collected and distributed to the needy. Grateful thanks to the support from Felix Attorneys; with their help in enabling us to serve these needy communities.
From 23-25 August 2019, Justice and Peace Commission hosted a Diocesan Women and Girls Conference that was well attended by 60 representatives from 13 parishes in and around Durban, as well as nuns from the Daughters of Charity (FCSCJ) and Franciscan Sisters of Siessen (OFS).
We thank Archbishop Gabuza for spending a day sharing and listening to the painful stories of women and girls. Also in attendance were staff members of the SACBC J&P Office – Fr Stan Muyebe, Kabelo Selema, Robert Mafinyori and Thabitha Chepape; Dr Kudakashwe Shonhiwa from DUT; Dr Gopal from UKZN; and Bridget Phillips and Thando Gasa from The Institute of the Healing of Memories.
On 28 September, the JP Commission held a workshop at St Francis of Assisi Parish in Eastwood, to launch Justice and Peace at the parish. We thank Fr Sanil for his support.