It can be a surprise!
We go through the various stages of our lives accumulating assets. This accumulation can be property, material items and different forms of financial security.
Somehow, this accumulation can go unnoticed, until a moment of reckoning.
This moment often occurs when we sit down to draw up or update that most important document – our Will. And in the review of our assets, our true worth is revealed. This ‘worth’ can even add up to ‘wealth’.
Recognition of our worth can be both a surprising and a joyful moment. Surprising, because we haven’t kept count of our growing worth. And joyful, because it tells us that we have the ability to provide for our loved ones when we ourselves have no further need of our personal worth. How wonderful it feels to contribute to the security of our family and other dear ones.
Sometimes an even greater sense of pleasurable generosity is possible. If our worth can extend beyond caring for our loved ones, we may also have the means to include a gift to a ‘cause for good’ that is close to our heart.
As a valued supporter of The Archdiocese of Durban should our Missionary work be your chosen ‘cause for good’ to consider for a bequest in your Will, would you grant us the privilege of knowing about your intention. This is so that we can thank you appropriately for your gift to the future, whilst keeping your personal information in strict confidence.
Any future gift will be testimony to your life, and go on to share your Missionary values and the Word of God with others.