Catholic schools – a precious resource to be preserved
The present status of Catholic Schools in our Archdiocese is that of ‘public schools on private property’, rather than on state property. The difference between the two lies in ethos.
Whilst the state is responsible for provision of textbooks and teaching materials for subjects on the curriculum, there’s no provision made for development of the ‘whole’ child in values or spiritual growth – a vital aspect which is provided by our Catholic schools.
Our schools face many challenges in providing their united goal of quality education. Shortfall of delivery of books and equipment by the state, and lack of fully trained teachers, are just two of these.
An even greater one is the learners themselves. The majority of them come from poor homes where hunger, hardship, a sense of powerlessness, depression (even thoughts of suicide), and abuse are a daily reality.
This makes upgrading of our teachers’ skills vitally important, and is achieved by offering regular courses in pastoral care, values and religious education, leadership and management, as well as spiritual retreats.
Please will you add your prayers to our efforts to provide for each child what God wants, and also what was set out at the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989: ‘The child should be brought up in the spirit of the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity’.