
Senzahahle School
New school shoes get children dancing for joy
We asked for your help to provide school shoes for disadvantaged learners at rural schools in our Archdiocese – and you didn't hesitate! Thanks to your generosity, we distributed no fewer than 1 200 pairs of shoes to schools in Ixopo, Ntshongweni, Edendale and Inchanga.
Jubilee Year 2025
2025 is a special year in the Catholic Church. It’s a Jubilee year – a time when Catholics are invited to experience God’s mercy, forgiveness and healing in a deep, personal way. We commit to renewing our faith and living out the Gospel more fully.
Sanitary Pads delivered to Mission Schools
Thanks to the generosity of our Mission friends – over 3 000 packs of sanitary pads were delivered to two schools in our Archdiocese last week! The pads were handed out to 1 200 young girls from poor families, who have to make the difficult choice every month: buy sanitary products or food. Because they can't afford both.
From the Archbishop’s desk
I sincerely thank you for your continued support and unwavering generosity over many years. It is awe-inspiring to know that we have friends living so far from us, who care deeply. May God abundantly bless you.
Tongaat tornado update
Tongaat Tornado Update

Tongaat Tornado Update Donations from Mission friends are already hard at work in Tongaat, helping people rebuild their lives after the devastating tornado. Fr. Phelelani…

Meeting the pope
Meeting the Pope
Recently Archbishop Siegfried Jwara CMM and newly ordained Auxiliary Bishop, Monsignor Elias Zondi, met the Holy Father, Pope Francis in Rome
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