Hurley Anniversary Weekend – a few days to go
Hurley Weekend 2017:
Various events this weekend mark the anniversary of Archbishop Hurley who died on 13 February 2004.
Sat 11 February
14h00: the official opening of the Hurley permanent exhibition at the Denis Hurley Centre created by eThekwini Local History Museums Department. Present will be people who walked side-by-side with +Hurley in the famous Freedom March:
– former Methodist Bishop, John Borman
– former Anglican Bishop of Natal, Michael Nuttall
– former leader of Muslim Youth Movement, Saydooon Sayed
Tea and refreshments
15h30: Annual General Meeting and report back to stakeholders
17h30: Memorial Mass at Emmanuel Cathedral and candlelight procession to the grave
Sun 12 February in Durban
07h45: Memorial Mass at Emmanuel Cathedral (in English)
10h00: Memorial Mass at Emmanuel Cathedral (in English)
12h00: Memorial Mass at Emmanuel Cathedral (in isiZulu)
The preacher at all the Masses on Saturday and Sunday is Fr Cas Paulsen CMM.
All events are open to the public – no need to book. Safe parking behind the Cathedral.