How to help


How to help


ven if you live far away in America, the UK or Europe, your concern and compassion can still touch the lives of underprivileged people here in South Africa.

Knowing there are others who understand and care means so much, not only to the people we strive to uplift, but also to our priests and sisters who leave their families and comfortable homes to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.

Whether you make a financial contribution of any amount towards the cost of uplifting the Zulu people … pray for us … or think about making a bequest towards the work of the Church in South Africa, please don’t leave this page without doing something to help. Your support really does make all the difference! Thank you.

Donate online now

paypal logoThe easiest way to help is through a gift of cash which you can donate right now online from anywhere in the world by Visa or Master Card. Our system is safe and convenient.

Donate by cheque

If you prefer to make your gift by cheque/check, please use the addresses below.

Archdiocese of Durban
P O Box 102
South Africa

Donate by EFT

Donors in South Africa may make direct deposits into our bank account as follows:

Name of Account: Archdiocese of Durban
Bank: First National
Branch: Durban Main
Branch Code: 22-14-26
Account number: 50844491452

Please use your Surname as the beneficiary reference.

“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” – Matthew 28:20


When Jesus left this world, what comfort these words must have given to His disciples. They knew that He would continue to care for them, beyond His earthly lifetime. And what comfort these words still give to us, as we journey through life.

In a much smaller way, when it is our turn to leave this world, we can also give comfort to those remaining, through our Will. By making provision for our loved ones, we assure them of our love and ongoing care.

In the same way, you can remember the Zulu Missions in your Will. By leaving a bequest, you not only ensure that your support of the missionary Church continues beyond your lifetime – the work you continue to support is a fitting memorial to your Christian life.

More information on Wills and Legacies is available in our free booklet, Using your Will to Celebrate the Blessings of your Life. Please note that this is intended as a guide only, and should not take the place of professional legal advice.

If you are considering a bequest to the Zulu Missions, please let us know. We would appreciate the opportunity to thank you, and to discuss with you how you would like your gift to be used. We would also like to send you our very useful Personal Affairs Record Book.



We value your prayers for our mission people, especially for converts undergoing instruction in preparation to be received into the faith; for those affected by HIV and AIDS; for children learning to live by Christian values; and for our priests and sisters many of whom go about their work in remote outstations.

If you would like to join our Prayer Circle, please email us.


If you know of anyone who might share your interest in the work of the Catholic Church in Africa, please guide them to our website. We have a wonderful 20 minute video showcasing the work of the Archdiocese which you can order and share with church, women’s or community groups.

To order a copy of the video, please email


Having people visit our projects, and show a personal interest in the challenges and achievements of the people concerned is hugely encouraging. If you are planning a visit to South Africa, and Durban in particular, we will happily arrange for you to visit the Missions to witness the work of the Archdiocese.

Please call us on +2731 303-1417 or email to make arrangements.